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Pop-Pop strikes again!


That’s right – he’s done it again! Pop-Pop took off on another adventure, and this time, he’s bringing us along! Take a peek inside the newest addition from Mr. Dan Pegram!

About this time last year, I had posted a review about his first foray into a children’s book, “Pop-Pop Airplane How Do You Fly?”. That book allowed kids to learn all about planes, their different components, and more!

His newest addition, “Let’s Go Fly with Pop-Pop Airplane,” allows your kids to take a complete journey, beginning with packing for a trip, all the way to the landing at the other end of the flight!

Pop-Pop is as fun as ever and is ready and waiting at the airport for his passengers to walk down the runway! The children enjoy all of the best, from movies you can watch on the plane to snacks that may be provided.

What’s especially lovely about this book right now is the lack of face masks worn by the passengers! Here’s to hoping we may be getting back to “normal” after all!  

This book

Hits me right in the feels, as all I truly want to do is hop on a plane and fly to somewhere new! How about you? If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? I’d head to the Texas coast, right on the beach, thank you, with a drink in my hand and the sun on my face! Considering it’s under 50 degrees and raining where I am right now, and it snowed yesterday. Seriously.

I also want to say how ecstatic I am that Mr. Pegram reached out to me himself! He reached out via my FB page dedicated to this blog post to tell me about his newest book and asked if I’d like a copy to review and write about! Here we are now!! I’m so honored and thankful!

Once I read this installment, I asked Mr. Pegram a few follow-up questions to go along with my review.

Here they are:

I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the adults and children who attend my book signing events. I find it very interesting when the adults tell me just how much “they” learned about aviation from reading my first book, “Pop-Pop Airplane, How Do You Fly?” One of the biggest things I noticed while flying in the Air Force and for Southwest Airlines was that parents generally had a bit of trouble fielding their children’s questions about how an airplane flies. Children are naturally curious. By using terms and illustrations they can understand and visualize, I feel I have opened the door for them to pursue even greater knowledge about the world around them. I did a book reading for my granddaughter’s second grade class in Indiana last year and was awed by the depth of curiosity displayed by the children in her class.

With COVID somewhat under “control” now, will you be writing more children’s books at a faster pace? You had mentioned last year that COVID put a halt on the release of book # 2 until this spring.

COVID did change the travel industry dramatically. So much so, I decided to delay publishing my second book that deals with children’s first trip to the airport and first airplane flight because very few people were flying unless absolutely necessary. Now that COVID has been contained, more families are now traveling for pleasure, and my book is now much more relevant. As for the pace of publishing, I generally will stick to releasing one book about every eighteen months.

The Adventures of Pop-Pop Airplane series is a starting point for my children’s education endeavor. I want to write books for youngsters that are easy to read, well-illustrated, and creates a desire to continue learning much more about topics of interest to them. 

My third book is already written and has a holiday theme. My closest critics feel it’s the best book so far. Stay tuned for more information.


I recommend using my website and use promo code FRIENDS10 to receive a 10% discount that will cover the cost of shipping. My books are also available through Amazon and numerous other booksellers.

Mike usually produces a hand-drawn red-line rough draft which takes about two to three weeks to complete. Once we agree on the technical accuracy and desired images, it’s another three weeks to a month to convert those images to computer graphics and colorize the rough drafts.

Pop-Pop 2 rough draft by Mike Richardson

The feedback we have received so far from our first two books has been overwhelmingly positive. I believe that is due to the educational nature and content of our books and the wonderful illustrations. If children enjoy a book, they are more likely to want to read more books. That is my ultimate goal, as reading is the cornerstone of learning for children and the window to the world for them.

Final thoughts:

Have you read either of his books yet?! Check them out here on his website or on Amazon too! Don’t forget about the fantastic Mike Richardson either – his facebook page, Rebel Soul Studio, has some amazing items available!

I’m definitely looking forward to installment 3 from Mr. Pegram as well as any other childrens’ books he decides to create! Let me know what you think, please!

Here’s a sneak peak photo:

Sneak peak inside of Pop-Pop # 2! Look at the bright details!

Love ya,

Kelly Ann

Relevant hashtags if you want to share (I hope you will!): #airplanes #flying #flight #travel #destinations #interesting #informative #education #kids #childrensbook #illustrated #parenting #teaching #education #formerpilot #airforcepilot #airforce #military #inspiring #toolsforeducation #pop-pop #educate #learning

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