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LeanOn – Mr. Andreas Wilderer – a review


“Experience is a powerful teacher.  People don’t improve when others do their work and pick up their mess…..”

This is one of many quotes from this exceptional book that made me want more.  Not only did I write a few down here and there, but I found myself emailing tidbits to my hubby at home.  This book is a great guide for anyone wanting to find a better footing in life or a better understanding of how things should be done!  Mr.  Wilderer leans on years of experience in order to create this story to try to help fellow men and women out and find their footing on equal ground. 

Work ethic, training scenarios, children, raising said children, partnership and more is discussed in his debut novel.  He gives background stories to show how the world works now vs what it can be in the future, with hard work and dedication.  Folks who are struggling, whether at home or in the workforce, can benefit from this book.  I’ve taken several suggestions to heart and am trying to work them into my home life to make it better for myself and my family (kids included!)

Early on, you see that Mr. Wilderer utilizes five pillars to describe exactly what he is talking about throughout each chapter.  The pillars represent what should be had in a good relationship between two adults.  Self, society, partnership, workplace & family.  You just can’t have a good relationship without all five pillars.  This book hits quite close to home, as I realize that I’m always trying to do everything by myself….and I just physically and mentally CAN’T.  There aren’t a lot of people out there who CAN do everything by themselves.  By everything, I mean, work full-time as a wife/mother; come home and have the whole house cleaned top to bottom, with dinner on the table every night by 5:30 or 6 and help the kids with whatever they may need as well – homework, bath time, play time, reading, etc.  Especially if you’re trying to let your kids gain a sense of confidence and appreciation for what they’re learning:

“Teachers and parents, at least the effective ones, know how to help young people develop a sense of independence and self-suffi­ciency. As much as teachers would like to provide all the answers, they watch their students struggle to come up with the answers. They know that students value knowledge more if they have worked hard to gain it, and their retention of it is better too. It would be easy for Mom and Dad to step in and solve problems big and small, but that would handicap kids more than help them.”

The amount of helpful information in this book is fantastic.  There is so much good “material” if you will, that you do have to take notes on what it is that you’d like to try out or remember.  This is definitely a book that you can go back to time and again if you’re stuck in a hard spot and would like a refresher on support for one another.  Mr. Wilderer mentions several apps that he and his family utilize to make things easy for everyone.  Google Calendar is a top contender, as well as Trello; which I understand are both free apps that you can download.  He also brings up the StrengthsFinder assessment that many companies utilize to assist their employees in figuring out what their strengths and weaknesses are.  It’s a great tool to help develop your own self and figure out what you’d like to improve on in your life – if anything. is the link if you’re interested in figuring that out – it shows that the cost is $49.99, unless you own one of the books listed on the page, then you can redeem an access code to take it.  I do believe my husband and I will be doing this pretty soon to help us in our personal relationship at home so we can see our strengths and weaknesses.  Fairly certain a weakness of mine is I like to control too much; and I definitely need to improve there!

You can find Mr. Wilderer sharing his many adventures on his FaceBook page: Andreas Wilderer

Or you can find him running his website:

This book of his can be found in numerous stores including Target, WalMart, Amazon, Audible and more. 

Thanks all – let me know what ya think if you read it!

Kelly Ann

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