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Teaching Childhood


This feature was sent to me from Lauren with BookSavvy PR, ( with permission to run as-is. Isabel’s article is beautiful and makes my mom heart melt!! The book itself is exquisite! Such a great addition to any children’s library collection!

From Isabel Cintra ( – see below. ❤️

“I remember one evening, in those cozy corners of our daily bedtime routine, my oldest daughter threw me a curveball with a straightforward question. You know, the kind of question that sticks with you and makes you think. She said, “Mom, have you ever thought about why some friends are closer than others?”

As a mom, I’m no stranger to treading through the wild terrains of friendships right alongside my kids. But who would’ve guessed that these everyday things would take center stage in the mesmerizing stories tucked away in children’s books, each one holding nuggets of wisdom you can carry through life? It’s like stumbling upon hidden treasure.

Take for instance the tale I spun about Zahara and Jacinta (The Princess and The Mirror), the two friends whose different outlooks set them on a journey of self-discovery. Jacinta’s constant questions threw Zahara for a loop, and as they unraveled each other’s thoughts, you could practically see the light bulbs switching on. It got me thinking about how friendship can be this wild ride, with laughter, disagreements, and heart-to-hearts all rolled into one. Those pages urged me to consider how honesty and open conversations shape our connections, even from an early age.

You know those giggles you share with your besties? Well, friendships are like that – a dynamic force that can totally shift how a child looks at the world. Just like Zahara and Jacinta grew through their candid chats, kids can learn that friendship is all about embracing different viewpoints and having these cool exchanges of ideas. And guess what? Us parents get to play referee, guiding our kids to be empathetic pals who’re ready to learn and grow together. It’s like helping them build these friendship superpowers.

Speaking of dreams, have you met Akin (The Great Little Tailor)? He’s this determined young boy who’s all about becoming a top-notch tailor. The thing is, his story reminds me that dreams are like these precious seeds that need watering. Even when the world’s all about being practical, these dreams give us a shot at personal growth and innovation. Imagine if I told my kids that it’s okay to want something that seems a bit out there? Akin’s tale taught me that fostering an environment where my kids’ dreams can shoot up like sunflowers is like this unwritten rule of parenthood.

And let’s not forget about Johana (The Sweetest Ladybug), the master of imagination. I mean, who else could turn a cricket into a sidekick? Her story shouts out about the magic of nurturing a child’s imagination. In a world glued to screens and routines, her ability to turn the ordinary into this wild adventure makes me want to hand my kids a cardboard box and see what universe they create. It’s like saying, “Hey kiddos, go on, invent your own world!”

Johana’s knack for turning a cricket into a BFF is just scratching the surface of what imagination can do. It’s like giving kids a superpower for life – creative problem-solving and empathy all rolled into one. And guess what? All this comes from letting them run wild with unstructured play, make-believe tales, and pure, unadulterated curiosity. It’s like watching them build this brain muscle that’ll serve them forever.

When I read those tales to my kids, I’m not just dishing out stories, I’m dishing out life lessons. It’s crazy how these themes in the books sync up with the real-world experiences we’re sharing. Friendships that evolve, dreams that light up our paths, and imaginations that break all the limits – it’s all part of the growing-up journey.

So, here’s the secret sauce: as parents, we’re not just bedtime story narrators. We’re like these guides, helping our kids dive into the juicy bits hidden between the lines. We’re saying, “Hey, it’s cool to wonder, to question, to dream big, and to imagine wild stuff.” And you know what’s even cooler? We’re learning alongside them. Just like Zahara and Jacinta, we’re evolving too.

And as I closed the book on my own collection, I couldn’t help but think back to my daughter’s question about friendships. With a smile, I turned to her and said, “You know, just like Jacinta, some friends make us see the world in a whole new way. And like Zahara, we learn and grow together.”

With every chapter, every laugh shared, and every exploration of imagination, I’m nurturing these values that will stick with my kids. It’s like planting these little seeds that’ll bloom into dreamers, doers, and all-around awesome people. With each story we read, we’re not just flipping pages, we’re creating this map to a future full of endless possibilities.”

Isabel is 100% right – letting my kids run wild and free, and use their incredible imaginations is one of the many highlights of my days! Declan tells some absolutely crazy-fun stories – and his ability for storytelling has me laughing more often than not. Tristan and his wild & free breakout dance moves will send me into a fit of chuckles at his carefree style. I’m blessed and I can only hope that these boys maintain that amount of crazy freedom and happiness as they grow up.

Love ya,

Kelly Ann

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