Ok, please hear me out! I’m going on a quick journey with you. We started this year like ordinary people, going about our day, enjoying our freedom, getting our nails done. You get the picture. THEN, disaster, in the form of an unseen virus! I mean, how unlucky can we get as a whole…? Pretty unfortunate, it would seem! This is a post all about how much I’m obsessed with ColorStreet nail polish strips!

An example of some spring shades from ColorStreet!
An example of some spring shades from ColorStreet!

Flashback for me to a simpler time, before kids (LOL, almost four years ago now!), I had ample time to get my nails done at the local salon my friend and I went to for years. Well, then the kids came, and the sufficient time went BYE-BYE! 🙂 All you mommas out there get me, I’m sure.

So, just last year, I came across this company, ColorStreet, and I was intrigued. A product that supposedly could make my nails glam in under 20 minutes, from my couch’s comfort. Well, come to find out, my mother-in-law has been using these nail strips for quite some time, so she let me use one of her sets – and the rest is history! I LOVE THEM!

I love them so much that I joined up with them as an affiliate!! So, now, I see all of the new sets before they’re released to the public. In a few days, we’re doing a HUGE launch with all new collections, colors, and prints! I am so excited!

I have a VIP group on FB where you’ll get all the newest sets and info – PLUS; the bonus is we can be friends! 🙂 Let me know if you’re interested! I’d love for you to see what ColorStreet could do for you!

I know that with a little time and effort, this could be the side hustle I was looking for! Want in? Drop me a comment, and I’ll invite you on FB 🙂

The new shades for fall are going to be EPIC! Not to mention, the holidays are coming up, so just imagine the santas, reindeer, holly, and fun items for that season! The stock is pretty limited right now, but that’s because of the huge launch they’re having!

I also have several sets on hand that I can sell to you direct! Just let me know!

If you’d like to see what we have available, check out my personal party link here: https://www.colorstreet.com/LivingLoving/party/1654110

Some shades that are still available for purchase with ColorStreet! LOOK AT THOSE PRICES!  😎
Some shades that are still available for purchase with ColorStreet! LOOK AT THOSE PRICES! 😎

Sidenote – last year, I was so new to this whole blogging business. My SEO game was terrible (it still kind of is LOL) and I really had no clue what I was doing! But, I did a post about ColorStreet here last year too! You can find that here!

Love ya,

Kelly Ann

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