Do you ever just take a breath; and notice what’s around you in nature? It might be that lone flower standing proudly among the grass. Or the moon shining brightly onto the road beside you as you walk. The gentle flutter of a bird flying around enjoying its’ freedom? A river that’s taken over rocks and stones to make them smooth and flat? The beams of sunlight that pour through the leaves in a forest of beauty?

Nature is STUNNING! Every day, I try to take it all in. We’re so fortunate to be surrounded by nature everywhere you look. Even living in a populated city, you can still see the sun and enjoy a good rain or watch the lightning shooting across the sky.

I find myself grabbing at my camera more often than not (which is typically my cell phone if I forget the professional camera that Tyler got me….) to take down each passing moment of nature and it’s beauty and grace. While being sure to get my kids in, too, with whatever shenanigans they might be up to at that moment in time.

Flower found in nature - my own backyard.  Image copyright to myself.
Flower found in nature – my own backyard. Image copyright to myself.

I don’t want to go on too long here as I really wanted to share some of my favorite nature photos from this past year. I hope you enjoy them and please let me know! If you’d like to look at some other photos of nature I took, check out my blog post on Ireland. Now THAT is a gorgeous country!

Love ya,

Kelly Ann

I had a VERY friendly butterfly visit me in the Ozarks! It sat on my arm, finger, flew around my head and MORE!
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2 Replies to “Nature and all it’s beauty”

  1. The flower,the butterfly, just beautiful, ty for sharing. This makes realuze,how much we miss,right up under our nose.

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