Let this sink in. I have to tell myself this every day lately. Tyler and I made some really big mistakes when we first got together (and continuing into today!) – all in a financial sense. See, Tyler’s not the best with money, and neither am I – though for totally different reasons. So, put the two of us together – and BAM! Two people who have no idea the trouble they’re getting themselves into.

Flash forward – 2013, sign up for a timeshare (WHATTTTT???!!) Yes, we made that mistake – not just once, but TWICE in the space of like 6 months. It was too easy for those folks to take advantage (word to the wise – DON’T get into a timeshare. Ugh.

Fast forward to 2014 – we get married (YAY!) and spent too much money on things that really weren’t necessary. Hindsight is 20/20. I don’t regret one second of our wedding, but I’m sure we could’ve cut costs somewhere! Then, Tyler “mans up” and gets a new, better job! Working outside…. in the middle of the MidWest. Hello, long and harsh wet and cold seasons….where he can’t work….because of the weather. Again, what were we thinking!? So, that job doesn’t go over so well once he’s off due to weather for a month straight…cue the credit cards coming in to “save” the day! *Insert eye roll here*

2016….. and I’m pregnant – so super happy and excited and absolutely PETRIFIED! Tyler got a better job (indoors working on electronics!!) I somehow make it through the 1000 degree summer we had to about this time and in less than a week, baby boy Declan makes his appearance. Flash forward to right before I go back to work after maternity leave, and Tyler is let go from his job (because he made the decision to go to college to better our lives, and his college (ITT Tech) was just shut down like *that* and he lost all of his college credit; and then subsequently his job.) That January of 2017 was super rough. Cue more credit card usage…

May of 2017 and Tyler has another new job, steady work, finding underground utilities…weather isn’t a huge factor (unless there’s lightning) and he’s making good money! LIGHT at the end of the tunnel….and then I’m pregnant again (I mean, seriously!?) In October that year, right after Declan turns 1, I get into a car accident and my PAID OFF car, is totaled. We’re forced into leasing (because our credit wasn’t good enough) a new, family car.

January of 2018, baby boy Tristan is born – and he has us on our toes from day 1 – I had to get myself released early from the hospital (c-section – could hardly walk, but walk I damn well did!) so I could tag along to one of the specialty Children’s hospitals where Tristan spent the next few weeks in the NICU…scariest time of my life till that point in time. (Can you say hospital bills?!) *I’m shuddering just remembering the bills* 2018 found us in hospitals, urgent cares, and doctors offices more than I’d care to remember. 2019 was meant to be our “start over” year. We got a new house in late 2018, with a nice yard for the boys and dog, and dang it, stuff has just GOT to get better, right?..

Well, here we are now… October 2019. My little boy, my baby, is going to be 3 in under a week. Tristan, baby numero dos will be 2 right after 2020 rolls around. Tyler and I – well, Tyler and I just filed for bankruptcy. I’ve struggled for YEARS with our increasing amount of debt. Not just credit cards, but thousands upon thousands of dollars of hospital bills (a one-time medical emergency flight with Arch Flight Services from Farmington to St. Louis Children’s Hospital will cost you around $80,000….. thank GOD for insurance) My point is this – we’re not doing great….we’re struggling pretty bad. But, I wanted to share what we were going through and why, if you’ve reached out to me, I’ve been a bit stand-offish. I really hate the spot we’re in right now – but I just KNOW that this is a step in the right direction for us. I think nowadays there isn’t nearly the stigma of going through a bankruptcy either. The way this world is, most people are just buried under debt and just keep chipping away at it piece by never-ending piece and it just got to the point with us that I couldn’t keep us afloat anymore. I’d robbed Peter one too many times to pay Paul and there was no more light at the end of that never-ending tunnel.

My life is in shambles right now financially. But, like I said upfront – first, we had to make a choice – and it was a HARD choice to make (I HATE giving up and losing a fight; and so does Tyler). Next, we took the chance to follow through with the bankruptcy – and I hope to God that this is the change that we need. I’m determined to make this work. Wish us luck.

With love,

Kelly Ann

……… anything you’d like to chat about? I’m open and ready to listen!

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2 Replies to “The 3 C’s in life…”

  1. I’ve made financial mistakes too with 1st husband and with #2 also, but at least there is a lot more love this time! I’m praying for you guys..thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Cathy! I think everyone makes mistakes these days – you just gotta do your best and keep moving forward as much as possible! I sincerely appreciate the prayers!
      Thank you!
      Kelly Ann

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