John Mouser’s book, ‘The Battle For Healing: How I Learned to Trust God and Fight to Triumph Over My Sickness,’ is such a beautiful testament to one’s ability to conquer everything if you place your faith in God. Mr. Mouser has had quite the life, with all of its’ ups and downs. This book focuses on how his life went downhill rather abruptly after his spleen had to be taken in a life-saving surgery!

The Battle for Healing' by John Mouser
‘The Battle for Healing’ by John Mouser

When I think of a battle, I don’t imagine a battle within myself. I’m not sure how many folks do, aside from those of us who have a disease they can’t get away from any time they want. So it’s hard for me to put myself in someone’s shoes with a life-threatening illness, but Mr. Mouser is very good at taking you through his daily struggles.

His battle lasted around three years before he finally put all of his faith and trust in God, and let the healing begin. It’s his miracle journey full of hope, trust, love, and healing. It’s also an indicator of making sure the right people surround you and guide you. For instance, if it weren’t for his wife, he wouldn’t have had the life-saving surgery in the first place!

A significant factor in this book is Mr. Mouser’s belief in Jesus. He credits Him with his healing and all other aspects of his life as well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about his interactions with Jesus and how he is led to do things at different times during his life by listening to Him. It takes a strong soul to be a willing person FOR the Lord.

A bit on my point of view:

This book was a bit of a deviation from the books I’ve been reading lately. The majority of them don’t focus too much on Jesus at all. So this review was a bit challenging to write up. You never know who you’re going to offend or bother in this day and age, unfortunately!

So, while I may not read a lot of books specifically about Jesus, I believe in Him. I have fights and conversations with Him. I most certainly pray to Him. It’s refreshing to have someone write a book and give credit where credit is due. If more people had the willingness to do that, this world might be a better place.

'From Addiction to Addition' Book Cover by John Mouser, author of 'The Battle For Healing'
‘From Addiction to Addition’ Book Cover by John Mouser

Mr. Mouser has had quite the life, and has another book that I’m interested in reading as well called, “From Addiction to Addition.” You can check both of his books out here on his site. He gave me some insight as to what that is about in our emailed interview! Here’s how our “discussion” went:

Me: How did your family and friends react to your book?

John: My friends and family are some of the greatest support I have had through the years. They were certainly excited to see the miracle story they witnessed go public. 

Me: What’s your favorite pastime?

John: My favorite pastimes would be to play golf, be in the woods hunting with family, or go fishing with my family. 

Me: Was the sickness you experienced throughout those 3 years all due to your spleen being removed?

John: The sickness began when my spleen was removed.

Me: What is your all-time favorite passage from the Bible? You reference several throughout your book, but didn’t mention a favorite if I recall correctly.

John: My favorite scripture is Revelation 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and continually knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. 

Me: You mention that your wife was pregnant and had your son, Deacon, by the end of your book. How old is Deacon now? Are you planning on having more kids, or do you think that’s in God’s plan for you and your wife?

John: Deacon is 4 years old now. When we moved to Minnesota my wife became pregnant with our daughter paisley. We plan to just enjoy our 2 kids for now. 

John Mouser and his family.  Wife, Christine, son, Deacon, and daughter, Paisley.
John Mouser and his family. Wife, Christine, son, Deacon, and daughter, Paisley.

Me: How long, from beginning to end, did it take you to get the book together and get it published?

John: The book was written for almost 2 years before I felt the release to begin the publishing process. I write my books on my phone then do edits with the publisher which normally takes around 8 months to complete. 

Me: Can you give me a few examples of Christian artists or musicians that you listen to in addition to the few you referenced in your book?

John: I really enjoy listening to a variety of artists such as Hillsong United, Jake Hamilton, Jason Aldean, Kenny Chesney, Brad Paisley, IHOPKC, Mosaic MSC, Chris McClarney, Garth Brooks, and Kanye West. 

Me: What are you looking to accomplish in say, the next 5 years?

John: The next 5 years I would like to finish up bible school, complete/launch book #3, play music with my family at different venues and begin our bucket list with the family.

Me: How well received was your other book, ‘Addiction to Addition’? What was the book about? (My apologies for not having read it!)

John: From Addiction to Addition was a fantastic launch and very welcomed worldwide. This book is the story of I me being a addict/alcoholic for 18 years and God changed my direction through a jail experience. He began molding me into a person that brought addition and blessing to peoples lives. My heart for this book is for it to go in to every jail in the world, every rehab in the world, and every fatherless person in the world. 

Me: If you could give the gift of absolutely anything to someone – what would that gift be?

John: I have had many gifts in my lifetime but they all just turned out to be things. If I could give somebody a gift it would be the hope and the love of Jesus. Not in a religious way, in a genuine way. I love seeing somebody’s face when they realize the father doesn’t love them on a condition. It’s honestly the best thing anybody could ever experience it changes everything about life. This is a priceless gift. It cost Jesus everything. we only have to wake up to what was done for us. 

Me: How is it going in Texas now that you’ve been there for awhile? Do you anticipate moving again in the future?

John: Texas was amazing we were there for just about two years, then we moved to West Monroe, LA for one year. God spoke again for us to go help another pastor in Rochester, MN. We have currently been in Rochester,MN for one year and a few months. Yes, there is a move in our future again. 

Me: How has the current condition of the entire planet affected you and yours? Have you taken extra precautions due to COVID?

John: At first this plague or pandemic took a while for us to figure out how to navigate through but we found our place we settled our emotions and our spirit. Then we began to help as many people as we could and honestly turned out to be a huge opportunity to help other people. Even me not having an immune system I was able to trust God, protect myself and follow his leading to be a blessing to other people. We have continued to wash our hands do what we are asked to do and still be light that shines at the end of the day. What we did notice is we went through a modern day Passover being told to go into our homes so finding your current situation in the Bible is very encouraging. Helps you to know God is sovereign. 

Me: Is there a specific place that you go to rest and be at peace aside from your Church or home?

John: I really enjoy going to the golf course just to enjoy the silence, kayaking from spot to spot is also very relaxing. We like to be outdoors together to let the kids play. 

Me: What would you say to your younger self if you could go back? Any advice, or helpful tips?

John: Talk is cheap, actions are expensive but worth the investment. Always let people wiser and more successful than you help you in life. Carelessness could cost you the life you have. 

Me: Aside from the Bible, what is your favorite book that has influenced your life and journey?

John: The purpose driven life by Rick Warren is the first book I read when trying to find the meaning of me being on planet earth. Also driven by eternity and the Holy Spirit by John Bevere helped me frame a mindset of what I needed to be aware of and focused on. That lead me to be daily transformed into his likeness. 

Fancy checking any of my other book reviews out? I’m working on several more coming up! Can’t wait to keep sharing! Here’s the first review/interview I did: Dancing to the Darkest Light. I also have a fantastic, fun review on a series about Puffins (definitely for kids!). Or this incredible journey of survival during WWII.

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