Do you ever wonder why nothing ever seems to work in your favor? Yea, me too. Here are my thoughts on best-laid plans.

I had EVERY INTENTION of doing a post a day for December leading up to Christmas. Well, HAHAH, jokes’ on me! That sooooo did not happen!

So, fast forward to January 2022! I’m determined to get back on track and start blogging and getting these never-ending thoughts on “paper,” so to speak. (SEE THE BEST-LAID PLANS HERE?!?!) Then, Gunner, my baby, passed away quite suddenly. He was our 160+ pound English Mastiff, and he was my baby. He was Tristan’s best friend, and we are all devastated that he’s gone! There wasn’t even any warning – he was here one day and at the vet/gone the next.

Gunner's summer last year - he went where we went <3
Gunner’s summer last year – he went where we went <3

While we were still shocked about Gunner, one of our stray cats, Seamus, an orange tabby, and just figuring out that he was loved, got hit by a car and passed away. That was less than a week after Gunner left us.

As far as I’m concerned, January was a shit-show. Then February came, and I thought, OK, we’re OK, we’ve got this. Then a cat I’ve had for over 10 years, Junior, had to be put down due to unforeseen medical issues. I held him in the palm of my hand when he was born—another HUGE blow. Clearly, we are an animal family, and this has just been way too much!

On top of all of these disasters, Declan and Tristan just can’t seem to stay healthy. With us living in the mid-west, the weather is another animal altogether. One day, it might be sunny and 75 (thanks Joe Nichols, now that song will be stuck in my head all day!) The next, it’ll be snowing. Literally.

Next up:

March 2022 – I’m not sure how in the hell it got to be March already. This year has just FLOWN! But, as I’ve gotten older, the years tend to do that. I swear that time would be like molasses back in the day, especially when I was in school or had a date with friends. But, now, time just flies. I try to soak it all in and appreciate it, but that gets hard when a year starts like this one.

I’m so darn lucky and blessed too. Declan and Tristan mean the absolute world to me, and though I’ve lost a few members of my pet family, they’re with me, which makes this all worth it.

But, as I said, the best-laid plans never work. OK, well, I didn’t say that originally; actually, I’m not sure who did. Let’s see – I’ll just look that up on Duck, Duck Go! (Insert 2.5-minute search here…) According to my search, the term “best laid scheme,” which is essentially the same thing, was initially recorded by Robert Burns in 1786 in a story/book he wrote, “To A Mouse.” OK, that’s enough history for me for today.


In addition to the other shit that happened, I ended up in the hospital for anxiety, of all freaking things. It could’ve been worse, I suppose. But still, there are zillions of people who have anxiety or are stressed – yet, I just had to go to the hospital. OI. Fortunately, my doctor is amazing, and she’s helping me progress to a path of wellness. I’m going to be seeing a therapist, which I think is fantastic!

I will say that somehow, people are still visiting this blog. I don’t know why, and I don’t understand, but I certainly appreciate it! I’ve also still been receiving numerous emails about all sorts of things, ranging from new products that I’m given the opportunity to review to fantastical sounding new or updated resorts and places to stay to press releases about celebrities, products, and news; in general!

That all means a lot to me! I haven’t written a damn thing in over three months, and people are still reaching out to me! #blessed

Now, if I could just figure out how to monetize this, I’d be in business, LOL!

I suppose I should get back to actual work now and stop lolly-gagging. OH! One more thing – if you haven’t dug into the world of your ancestors – you should start! I am having the absolute BEST time researching my family history. There are a few hiccups here and there where I’m at a total loss, but overall, I have learned so many fascinating things about my heritage, and it’s incredible!

My mother-in-law uses Ancestry and graciously allows me to jump on there and do some research, so I’ve been racking up a lot of time doing that instead of playing dumb games on my phone that add up to absolutely nothing in terms of enlightenment.

To sum it up

The best-laid plans often fail. You just have to roll with the punches and continue on your way. Instead of PLANNING on keeping up with this blog, I’m just going to do my best. I’ll answer emails, write up something when I find it exciting or intriguing, and continue doing what I’m doing. In the meantime, I hope you all have a helluva day!

To see the last post I did – a lifetime ago in December, check it out here. Remember, the best-laid plans typically fail. Well, they do for me anyway.

Love ya,


Hashtags for sharing: #plans #planning #planningfail #livinglovingexploring #daybyday #fail #update #life #story #pets #mourning #2022 #thisyearsucks #best-laidplans

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