It’s been a while since I’ve posted something on here NOT book related. But, I thought today would be a good fit. We all love our Earth, right? I honestly believe that with this whole Covid-19 epidemic going on, we’ve done Earth a favor! The number of things I’ve seen on social media and news articles about how smog is clearing away for the first time in decades; animals are beginning to thrive; people are becoming more appreciative of what they’ve “lost”.

I know that I’m finally starting to focus on the things I’ve been wanting to do for a while but haven’t had “time” since I was always away from home. This blog, for instance! I’m posting and doing the reviews I’ve been asked to do – and I’m determined to eventually figure all the ins and outs out…if that made sense? Being fortunate enough to have an employer who has allowed me to work full time from home during this crisis has been a blessing!

I’m still super busy – as I’m still working, and it’s 10x harder with my two little ones running amok every day while I’m working. But I seriously wouldn’t change it for a THING! I’m trying to focus on making every second count with them and get all of my work done correctly as well – because, in the long term, I don’t ever want to go back into an office with my peers. Don’t get me wrong, I have several friends I’ve made over the years through work, but I wouldn’t mind only seeing them on weekends for dinners or something in the future, instead of days at the office. My morale has been up so much more since being home.

I don’t feel as if I’m missing out on anything anymore. I’m seeing the boys learn the alphabet, start trying to read on their own (with a lot of help from me), and more! Getting to be with them all day is amazing. Now, let’s be honest right here – amazing, yes. Amazing every second? UM, NO. I’m a mom – they’re little monsters at times and we have our tantrums and moments where I want to rip out my hair. BUT, the majority of the time, I wouldn’t trade it lol.

So, being as so it’s Earth Day, I wanted to check in and see if any of my 5 (total) readers LOL (I said, I’m TRYING to focus on getting this blog more mainstream lol) were planning on doing anything special?

I’ve been contacted by a PR associate for the TurfMutt Foundation whose president has a pretty good stance on what we should all be doing with the current ‘stay at home orders’. “It’s a stressful time as our country seeks to ‘shelter in place’ as much as possible,” says Kris Kiser, President of the TurfMutt Foundation. “We’d like to remind everyone that getting outside—in your backyard—is an important activity, now more than ever, for you, your family, and pets. De-stress and enjoy the healing aspects of nature in your corner of the earth.”

The TurfMutt foundation has a ton of free resources for those of us with kids that are based on the S.T.E.M. principles we all know and love. A lot of the lessons focus on math and science; for grades K-8 and is set up on the Scholastic website –

For those of us stuck at home celebrating today (which, by the way – today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!), TurfMutt has given six tips on how to celebrate today without even leaving our backyards! Which, I think, is perfect, considering the times we’re in now.

One tip – get outside in general! Nothing is stopping us from getting outside and just resting in our backyards! My family is fortunate to have a pretty decent sized yard, and we go out and just sit on the patio in a cheap plastic chair and talk, play with the kids, whatever floats your boat. We’ve got two dogs, one of whom is exceptionally hyper and HAS GOT TO RUN or else she’s driving us all nuts! So, we let them out and run and go crazy (weather pending, of course).

Next, use your space to come up with some sort of family project – does your garden need weeding? Does anything needs to be fixed up, or do you want some new things planted? I see some great deals on Hayneedle’s website for outside planters and garden variety items every day! It’s planting season!

Get your kids involved with nature – or if you don’t have kids, get involved with nature yourself! TurfMutt has a TON of free resources and activities that can be utilized for informing you and your loved ones all about the world outside…without even having to leave your computer!

Figure out what climate zone you’re in. Did you know that each area of the US has different zones that are determined based on the temperatures, averages, seasons, and more information? I didn’t – at least not before I became a homeowner – but now, I know what climate zone I’m in, and I know the types of plants, trees, flowers and shrubs that will and can do well around me! Here’s a link to the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service where you can determine what zone you’re in (and then get to planting!!)

Once you’ve figured out your zone, start thinking about the types of birds or other animals you might like to see around your home. I know that I’m planning on getting my hands on some flowers and shrubs that attract butterflies as I’ve always loved them! If you feel like helping out our eco-system, plant some items that will attract the birds and the bees – they’re natural pollinators and will help sustain your yard along with who knows how many others! You can find all of the information you need regarding trees on Arbor Day’s website: Better Homes & Gardens has a pretty neat site where you can locate information on all types of flowers, shrubs, and more! If you want individual birds to be attracted to your yard, check out the Audobon Society’s website!

The final and last tip from the foundation is just to get out and DO something in your yard. Whether you’re just mowing the grass, stopping to smell a flower, or lazing around and having a picnic lunch on a beautiful day with some delicious lemonade (strawberry for me, please), just do it! We all need those moments of no technology and only the sounds of nature. Or the lawnmower. You know, that relaxing sound and the smell of freshly cut grass!

Whatever you choose to do, do it your way and enjoy!

Drop me a comment with how you celebrated Earth Day 2020!

Love ya,

Kelly Ann

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6 Replies to “Well hello, Earth Day 2020”

  1. Great article Kelly!! I love your book reviews but this article involving Earth Day was fabulous! I was not aware that so many different sites had so much information. I do not generally have a green thumb but at least now I feel like I might have a chance with beautiful flowers, and the butterflies are an added plus (not so sure about the bees even though I know they’re needed) lol. Thanks for all the info 🙂

    1. Lol thanks mom!! I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! I honestly wish I had even more time to go out and actually plant some of these beauties! I have a spreadsheet (I know, I know, go figure) with all of the different types of plants and flowers I’d like to plant and a list detailing what kind of insects/animals they would attract and all of the other information I’d need. I just need to get to it LOL!

  2. Enjoy all your articles. We did some planting today in our Earth Boxes. It was tough to find vegetables to plant. Everyone seems to be planting a garden this year to try to have their own food sources. We also planted some flowers in planters outside in the rain! LOL! We saw our new goslings for the first time today. Very exciting! Cant’ wait for the boys to be able to come down to see them! And of course you know about our snake! Yuk! Didn’t see him today! Thank the Lord!

    1. Thanks Barb!! I appreciate that! Good for you guys that you’re back at it with planting and everything! Hopefully you’ve got some good foods that’ll start popping up!! Also, hopefully the snake stays away! I can’t wait to bring the boys down for some running around either!

  3. Great post! I love getting out in nature all the time! I don’t have a backyard unfortunately but luckily I live in a very rural part of Ireland so I can get out and about. I live next beaches and mountains so I can’t complain at all! I think it so important for everyone to get out every now and then. It’s good for the soul!

    Linda ||

    1. OK well now I’m just jealous of you Linda! 🙂 That sounds incredible – first off, you live in Ireland, secondly, you’re by beaches AND mountains!! Lucky gal! Thanks for reading this and commenting! I appreciate it!

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