Do you ever feel like you have so many things running through your head that you can’t slow down? Even though you’re not physically moving? ME TOO! I think, as women, we’re especially prone to never-ending thoughts! So I’m re-introducing a great way to help cleanse your mind. Break out your closest journal!

I was taking a break from everything and just following up on some of my blogger friends’ most recent posts and came across this gem from Linda! I thought, hmmm, I should take a minute, answer these journal questions and relax a bit! Her post is on 20 self-discovery journal prompts, and you can check it out by clicking here.

Here are the prompts, and following, I’ll have my answers!

Journal prompts from
Journal prompts from

An ideal day for me nowadays really depends on the day. If I want to take it easy, then a good book, a glass of wine, or a hard cider is my goto. On the flip side, if I’m in an adventurous mood, I would love to find parks and rivers near my home to go hiking and exploring with my kids!

Oooh, this is a good one. A successful life to me is full of promise, fun, family, real friends, laughter, and beauty. Life isn’t all about money, or it shouldn’t be, and even though money is a necessity, it’s not a necessity to enjoy a life well-lived. It’s the promise of everything that CAN. Having fun in day-to-day adventures and spending time with family and friends and laughing at life itself.

Activities that make me feel energized are driving with all of the windows down while my music is blaring; researching for vacations, I’ll probably never take LOL; & exploring new places!

I think that my most significant strength is taking things in, sorting through whatever it may be, and breaking it down in an easy to digest manner. I’ve discovered how well I can relay what I’m saying through writing recently, and I’m thrilled to see where it takes me!

The ability to listen to someone without interrupting (Tyler, take note lol!), being willing to learn something you aren’t familiar with and giving it a try, and lastly being kind to everyone. You never know what the other person you’re talking to is going through entirely! Those are the top three for me, at least for now.

I’m not sure who said it first, or where I first heard it. But, the thought along the lines of making sure I enjoy every moment. The ugly moments (being puked on by my two-year-old at my MIL’s house), the ordinary moments (five minutes of showering by myself with no-one looking for me), and the excellent moments (looking into my son’s eyes right after he was born). Each of these moments means something. They don’t mean the same thing. But they say I’ve lived. I’ve loved. I’ve enjoyed. I’m going to keep on doing all of the “little” moments as often as possible. All too soon, they stop.

Hands down, without even thinking about it, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar. I felt like girls/women could rule the world when I watched that show. The depth and forward way of thinking were almost unheard of with some of the storylines and plot lines! But looking back, they were everything to how I grew up and still a significant part of who I am today. I am not lying when I tell you I something wonder, ‘What would Buffy do?’ I may not fight vampires or demons or things like that, but I have plenty of internal demons and real-life scary things (bill collectors UGH!)

Declan and Tristan are the most important people in my life. Currently three, and almost four (WHAT?!) and nearly two and a half. They’re my world.

Do you know the song, ‘Bitch,’ by Meredith Brooks. I think that about sums me up. 😉

A few weekends ago, my parents came to our home, and we played several rounds of washers along with a healthy dose of drinking. After that, my dad and I played a few hands of gin. I just enjoyed myself, let the boys run around like the crazies they are, and all-in-all had a blast. I need more days like that! Restful and fun!

Well, this is familiar! I do a #happydays post on my FB page daily. I’ve been doing that for a few years now. I think it’s essential every day to come up with one thing that made my day. It doesn’t have to be huge, but it does have to have made me smile for a minute. So far today, it’s been the fantastic weather, breezy, low 70’s temperature; it’s gorgeous! PLUS, my parents are in the Ozarks right now, and I’ve gotten a few pictures of my dad with some massive fish he’s caught down there!! Those pictures made me smile too, as I know he’s having a blast!

My wedding day, July 19th, 2014. It changed the whole course of my life. It paved the way for me to be where and who I am today! Of course, October 9th, 2016, and January 4th, 2018, were GINORMOUS since that’s when my boys were born.

Working from home has made my life so much simpler in so many ways! There’s a possibility of change, as there always is, but now I’m cherishing working from home!

I’m most grateful for the fact that during COVID-19, Tyler and I managed to keep our jobs and stay steady. I know that, unfortunately, this isn’t the case for the majority of folks out there.

I’ve recently started myself on a regiment of vitamins and minerals, which I take daily! They have been improving my alertness and energy levels! I’ve even stayed away from coffee for over a week!

Reading. Reading is, by far, my favorite hobby, and it has been for as long as I can remember!

Well, this one will require me to get into IG and check that out, LOL! Apparently, it’s from June of 2016 and was right before my first little guy, Declan, was born in October! It’s, of course, a photo of my cat, Boots, and I!

My first IG post from 2016
My first IG post from 2016

Traveling extensively all over the world is my wildest fantasy! I know that it will never happen, as there’s no way to possibly see everything our world has to offer in only one lifetime! But, that being said, I can dream! 🙂

Right now, the one thing I’m most excited about is getting Declan fully potty-trained! It’s a NIGHTMARE potty training! I seriously can’t wait till he’s trained, LOL!

There’s no way for me to list a favorite book. I simply can’t have just one. I’m a huge Nora Roberts, Judith McNaught, Jane Austen, and Jodi Picoult fan! I also highly intrigued by history and anything related to WWII, especially the Holocaust. I enjoy all of Mary Higgins Clarks’ novels and other authors in the mystery/thriller genre! I’m just going to keep rambling on this one, so we’ll just stop there, LOL.

What do you need to get written down to get off your mind? I always have something going on and this was such a fun exercise! I’m tempted to make this a monthly sort of post! What do you think? I’d love a comment or share!

Love ya,

Kelly Ann

Relevant hashtags if you choose to share: #journal #prompt #june #thoughts #mythoughts #livinglovingexploring #thinking #writing #sharing #fun #different #discovery #selfdiscovery #learning

Some similar posts where I’ve shared what’s going on with us here include an update from our home; a focus on exemplary Military men and women; and my thoughts on vacations here and here.

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14 Replies to “My June Journal Thoughts”

  1. These are fantastic journal prompts. I’ve been really good at daily journaling this year. It’s a perfect way to “brain dump” everything to get it out of your head (as well as appreciating the good stuff). I just need to get motivated to actually do the things I brain dump though, as I’ve been so lazy since lockdown!

    It sounds like you have your hands full and full of fun 🙂 Would love to see more from your series if you do one each month.

    Lots of love, Helen x

    1. Oh I totally understand that!! I think the majority of us have seen a decrease in our wanting to accomplish anything LOL!! Thanks for stopping by! I for sure have my hands full all the time!

      I do think I’ll definitely try this once a month – it was fun to just stop and think and answer some questions for once!

  2. I definitely agree with women being prone to never ending thoughts! It’s like, a man can be staring into space and you’ll ask them what they’re thinking about and they’re like, “oh, what to have for dinner”. Whereas ask a woman the same thing and it’ll be a very different answer! Those are some great journal prompts too!

    1. Hahah, my thoughts go on and on forever!! Thanks for commenting and taking the time to read! 🙂

  3. Those prompts are so helpful. I haven’t journaled with prompts before. But I want to try! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Absolutely! I’m definitely coming to enjoy it as well! Thanks for stopping by! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!

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