We all have traditions based around certain holidays, or just regular days (anniversaries, birthdays, etc). One of my personal favorites has always been the Christmas countdown calendar! Also known as an Advent Calendar in some places.

They typically resembled something like below and had 24 or 25 little squares you could pop open to uncover a little piece of chocolate (definitely not very TASTY chocolate, but hey, beggars, choosers LOL)

The Christmas Countdown!

I have to admit, since having kids, I get these every year. Inevitably, I remember to let them open the “doors” on the 1st, then maybe the 6th (for 2 – 6), then hopefully the 18th (with all the ones in-between) and finally – the 27th (everything I missed). I’m just ROTTEN at remembering that lol.

I mean, throw in school, recitals, birthday parties, holiday parties, work, and everything else under the sun, and it’s no surprise I forget most of the time. Props to the boys though, they could care less as long as they get to eat the candy!

Well, this year is different. This year, I was fortunate to receive the Christmas Poop Log Activity Set, including a storybook from Kori Mallett (@korimallett on IG!).

Yep, you read that correctly – the Christmas Poop Log Activity Set. (Boy, Tristan is going to have a “field day” with this – as we’re currently trying to get him to STOP talking about his booty, butt, or Poop LOL – and being 4, it’s hard to discern why all of a sudden, I’m allowing it 🤣) #thestruggle

The history goes that this tradition began in Spain in the Catalonia region around 300 – 400 years ago. While doing a bit of digging, I came across a post by Lindsey Patterson on NPR.org (https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/12/22/572569325/caga-ti-a-catalan-log-that-poops-nougats-at-christmas) that details the history surrounding Caga Tio.

Apparently, no one knows for sure the complete history, but it began as a pagan tradition celebrating the winter solstice! Simply fascinating!!

A snip taken from the NPR.org page, written by Lindsey Patterson.

Per tradition, I’m going to break this out on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Then I’m going to figure out what sweets and goodies to “feed” it until Christmas Eve!! When it’ll poop out some goodies!!

5 Things to Discover about Caga Tio!

To learn more about Caga Tio, check them out @ https://www.thechristmaspooplog.com/pages/history-of-the-poop-log. You can also find them on @thechristmaspooplog on both FB & IG. Or @xmaspooplog on Twitter!

One more note, for each set you purchase, the team behind the Christmas Poop Log has partnered with ONETREEPLANTED (https://onetreeplanted.org/) and a tree will be planted with every purchase! How amazing is this?!

So, how do you and your family begin celebrating the Christmas season?! I’d love to know! P.S. Kate McKinnon (think SNL fame) has apparently adopted this fun, historical, Christmas tradition as well!

Kate McKinnon explaining the Christmas Poop Log tradition on Late Night with Seth Meyers!
The Christmas Poop Log set comes with everything I need – paints, googly eyes, a red hat, the log, some “feet” and the book!!


Kelly Ann

Hashtags to share if you wish! #christmas #christmaspooplog #pooplog #cagatio #catalonia #spain #tradition #historical #fun #giftidea #enjoyment #livinglovingexploring

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