Another year has flown by, and it’s your birthday again! Each year that passes means time keeps going faster and faster. I hope you know how adored you are. I could say so many things, but none of them reflect how much I love you!

Mom with Declan at her birthday celebration on 7/19/2020
Mom with Declan at her birthday celebration on 7/19/2020

I look fondly back at our memories: family vacations, birthday celebrations, excursions around town, family gatherings, and more. Of course, it hasn’t all been perfect; we’ve had our fair share of loss, disappointment, tragedy, scares, amongst other things. But, the point is, we’ve come out on top. We’re still standing, and we wouldn’t be if it weren’t for you to lead us.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, mommmmmm, happy birthday to you! And many more!” Obviously I did NOT come up with this song – so go check out some facts on it here at Wikipedia!

I hope you enjoyed this “poem” I wrote for you – and I hope you’re ok with me sharing it here. With more love than you know, Kelly.

Mom's birthday poem that I wrote.
Mom’s birthday poem that I wrote.

The poem (in case you can’t read it – the shimmer pens didn’t photograph well!)

“Happy Birthday to the best mom, Grandma, and wife! You’ve lived a helluva life!

Bringing happiness and smiles wherever you go, with a heart full of gold and you don’t even know.

61 years have come and gone by in what seems to just the blink of an eye!

Matt, your second child and only boy, brings you every possible emotion, but especially joy!

Jenny, your third and final will always be your baby, while taking the world by storm like a leading lady!

Can’t forget Declan and Tristan, your two beautiful grandsons, they always have and always will love you tons!

Then there’s me, your oldest daughter, working towards her goal of being an author!

Plus dad, your partner, husband and rock! He’s been with you through all of the shock!

You losing your mom this past year was the hardest thing; but we will never forget all the joy that she would bring!

So here’s to you and all of your years, making dreams come true and eliminating fears!

You are a shining star and the absolute best! Make sure to take today and have a good rest!”

My mom started this tradition several years back, of writing a poem for each of us on our birthdays, and I love it! So I tried my hand at it this year! I’d love to hear what you think! I’ve been telling her for years that she should somehow “sell” this service!! I’m sure tons of folks would LOVE it!

Anywho, happy birthday mom! Love you TONS!

Love ya,

Kelly Ann – PS – thanks for sharing your name with me as my middle name! 🙂 It’s the best!

Relevant hashtags if you choose to share: #birthday #fun #family #special #mom #mommy #love #specialday #itshouldbeaholiday #food #years #time #kids #thefuture #celebrate

For a book I’m in the process of writing, please feel free to check out these posts as well! I’d love some feedback! My Confessions, part 1, part 2, and part 3. Then there’s also this amazing book that’s inspired me to (eventually) write a personal saga!

Thanks for the share! Follow if you'd like!

4 Replies to “Mom, You are the Best – Happy Birthday time!”

  1. Awww, thank you so much Kelly. As you know sweetheart, a mother’s job is very much thankless at times, but it’s times like this that make up for that. Once again, you have brought me to tears – good tears – and I’m so proud to call you my daughter. I had a wonderful birthday and thank you for all your help in making it that way. You are very special to me, I love you!!

    1. HUGS AND KISSES MOM! I love you to the moon and back and more than the stars! 🙂 So happy you had a good day and appreciate this post! 🙂

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